and side
to geomposition_brain()
to accept character vector, and also support subcortical atlasesNew large update, many new features. Of particular note is the introduction of the brain sf geom, which improved speed, and adaptability of the plots.
will stay for a while, but is superseded by a simple features geomgeom_brain
introduced as a new function to plot the atlas data
which contains simple features dataplot()
functions for ggseg_atlas and brain_atlas classes for a quick look at atlasesbrain_regions
functions to easily extract the unique names of regions for an atlasprint
method for atlases classes ggseg_atlas and brain_atlasarea
renamed to region
Changed to function atlas_info()
Changed brain.pal to function brain_pal()
Changed to function atlas_info()
Reduced code necessary for brain_pals_info
Simplified display_brain_pal()
Moved paletted of ggsegExtra atlases to ggsegExtra package
Added a
file to track changes to the package. # * Changes all data
options to .data
to decrease possibility of column naming overlap
Added compatibility with grouped
Reduced internal atlases, to improve CRAN compatibility
Added function to install extra atlases from github easily
Changes vignettes to comply with new functionality