While the new workflow in ggseg using the simple features type geom_brain works well, it struggles with integration with other very useful simple feature geoms, like labels. Since geom_brain can alter the position of slices through the position argument, and since the atlas is provided as a separate argument rather than integrated in the data itself, the geoms for sf-labels are not possible to implement. We also found it too tricky, with too many re-iterations of the same arguments, to implement a specialized brain-label geom.

Because of these issues, we here provide an alternate workflow for those users wanting to implement other simple-feature geoms to the ggseg-plots. This workflow means not using the geom_brain function, but pre-joining and fixing the data before providing it to ggplot. In many ways, this workflow mimics what happens behind the scenes in ggseg() and within the geom_brain functions.

Explore the atlas

Firstly, you need to make sure that the atlas you are working on had simple features (sf) geometry column in it. The easiest way to do this is to simply call the atlas in the R terminal and look for information on use in the console printout. The dk-atlas has use: ggplot() + geom_brain() letting us know that it is set up to work with simple features.


#> # dk cortical brain atlas
#>   regions: 35 
#>   hemispheres: left, right 
#>   side views: lateral, medial 
#>   palette: yes 
#>   use: ggplot() + geom_brain() 
#> ----
#>    hemi  side    region                label                   roi  
#>    <chr> <chr>   <chr>                 <chr>                   <chr>
#>  1 left  lateral bankssts              lh_bankssts             0002 
#>  2 left  lateral caudal middle frontal lh_caudalmiddlefrontal  0004 
#>  3 left  lateral fusiform              lh_fusiform             0008 
#>  4 left  lateral inferior parietal     lh_inferiorparietal     0009 
#>  5 left  lateral inferior temporal     lh_inferiortemporal     0010 
#>  6 left  lateral lateral occipital     lh_lateraloccipital     0012 
#>  7 left  lateral lateral orbitofrontal lh_lateralorbitofrontal 0013 
#>  8 left  lateral middle temporal       lh_middletemporal       0016 
#>  9 left  lateral pars opercularis      lh_parsopercularis      0019 
#> 10 left  lateral pars orbitalis        lh_parsorbitalis        0020 
#> # ℹ 76 more rows

You can have a look at the atlas and make sure it is what you expect


If you take an even closer look, you will see that the brain-atlas class is actually a list of four, where the data contains a simple features geometry column.

#> [1] "dk"
#> [1] "cortical"
#>                   bankssts  caudal anterior cingulate 
#>                  "#196428"                  "#7D64A0" 
#>      caudal middle frontal            corpus callosum 
#>                  "#641900"                  "#784632" 
#>                     cuneus                 entorhinal 
#>                  "#DC1464"                  "#DC140A" 
#>                   fusiform          inferior parietal 
#>                  "#B4DC8C"                  "#DC3CDC" 
#>          inferior temporal          isthmus cingulate 
#>                  "#B42878"                  "#8C148C" 
#>          lateral occipital      lateral orbitofrontal 
#>                  "#141E8C"                  "#234B32" 
#>                    lingual       medial orbitofrontal 
#>                  "#E18C8C"                  "#C8234B" 
#>            middle temporal            parahippocampal 
#>                  "#A06432"                  "#14DC3C" 
#>                paracentral           pars opercularis 
#>                  "#3CDC3C"                  "#DCB48C" 
#>             pars orbitalis          pars triangularis 
#>                  "#146432"                  "#DC3C14" 
#>              pericalcarine                postcentral 
#>                  "#78643C"                  "#DC1414" 
#>        posterior cingulate                 precentral 
#>                  "#DCB4DC"                  "#3C14DC" 
#>                  precuneus rostral anterior cingulate 
#>                  "#A08CB4"                  "#50148C" 
#>     rostral middle frontal           superior frontal 
#>                  "#4B327D"                  "#14DCA0" 
#>          superior parietal          superior temporal 
#>                  "#14B48C"                  "#8CDCDC" 
#>              supramarginal               frontal pole 
#>                  "#50A014"                  "#640064" 
#>              temporal pole        transverse temporal 
#>                  "#464646"                  "#9696C8" 
#>                     insula 
#>                  "#FFC020"
#> Simple feature collection with 90 features and 5 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 0 ymin: 0 xmax: 1390.585 ymax: 205.4407
#> CRS:           NA
#> # A tibble: 90 × 6
#>    hemi  side    region                label     roi                    geometry
#>  * <chr> <chr>   <chr>                 <chr>     <chr>            <MULTIPOLYGON>
#>  1 left  lateral NA                    NA        0001  (((84.32563 34.46407, 84…
#>  2 left  lateral bankssts              lh_banks… 0002  (((214.8215 108.8139, 21…
#>  3 left  lateral caudal middle frontal lh_cauda… 0004  (((106.16 184.3144, 93.6…
#>  4 left  lateral fusiform              lh_fusif… 0008  (((256.5481 48.35713, 24…
#>  5 left  lateral inferior parietal     lh_infer… 0009  (((218.4373 161.6233, 21…
#>  6 left  lateral inferior temporal     lh_infer… 0010  (((250.7745 70.75764, 24…
#>  7 left  lateral lateral occipital     lh_later… 0012  (((277.4615 115.0523, 27…
#>  8 left  lateral lateral orbitofrontal lh_later… 0013  (((66.26648 69.56474, 56…
#>  9 left  lateral middle temporal       lh_middl… 0016  (((238.0128 91.25816, 23…
#> 10 left  lateral pars opercularis      lh_parso… 0019  (((79.03391 126.496, 74.…
#> # ℹ 80 more rows

If the atlas is not a simple-features version

We can force the dk brain-atlas into the original ggseg-atlas class and see how it looks different when the type is not set up with simple-features.

dk2 <- as_ggseg_atlas(dk)
#> # ggseg atlas
#>    atlas type     hemi  side    region              label roi              ggseg
#>    <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr>   <chr>               <chr> <chr>       <brn_plyg>
#>  1 dk    cortical left  lateral NA                  NA    0001  < p:  1 - v: 12>
#>  2 dk    cortical left  lateral bankssts            lh_b… 0002  < p:  1 - v: 23>
#>  3 dk    cortical left  lateral caudal middle fron… lh_c… 0004  < p:  1 - v: 29>
#>  4 dk    cortical left  lateral fusiform            lh_f… 0008  < p:  1 - v: 19>
#>  5 dk    cortical left  lateral inferior parietal   lh_i… 0009  < p:  1 - v: 31>
#>  6 dk    cortical left  lateral inferior temporal   lh_i… 0010  < p:  1 - v: 34>
#>  7 dk    cortical left  lateral lateral occipital   lh_l… 0012  < p:  1 - v: 31>
#>  8 dk    cortical left  lateral lateral orbitofron… lh_l… 0013  < p:  1 - v: 25>
#>  9 dk    cortical left  lateral middle temporal     lh_m… 0016  < p:  1 - v: 46>
#> 10 dk    cortical left  lateral pars opercularis    lh_p… 0019  < p:  1 - v: 23>
#> # ℹ 80 more rows

If the ggseg-atlas is set up correctly, we should be able to convert it into a simple-features atlas.

dk2 <- as_brain_atlas(dk2)
#> # dk cortical brain atlas
#>   regions: 35 
#>   hemispheres: left, right 
#>   side views: lateral, medial 
#>   palette: no 
#>   use: ggplot() + geom_brain() 
#> ----
#>    hemi  side    region                label                   roi  
#>    <chr> <chr>   <chr>                 <chr>                   <chr>
#>  1 left  lateral bankssts              lh_bankssts             0002 
#>  2 left  lateral caudal middle frontal lh_caudalmiddlefrontal  0004 
#>  3 left  lateral fusiform              lh_fusiform             0008 
#>  4 left  lateral inferior parietal     lh_inferiorparietal     0009 
#>  5 left  lateral inferior temporal     lh_inferiortemporal     0010 
#>  6 left  lateral lateral occipital     lh_lateraloccipital     0012 
#>  7 left  lateral lateral orbitofrontal lh_lateralorbitofrontal 0013 
#>  8 left  lateral middle temporal       lh_middletemporal       0016 
#>  9 left  lateral pars opercularis      lh_parsopercularis      0019 
#> 10 left  lateral pars orbitalis        lh_parsorbitalis        0020 
#> # ℹ 76 more rows

Joining the atlas with data

In most cases, users want to plot their own data projected onto the brain. In this workflow, you will need to get all the data, including having joined the atlas data, before calling ggplot. This will then become the same workflow as any other simple-featured plotting, and many new possibilities of specialized sf-geoms opens to you.

First, let’s make up some data that we want to plot. Here a data.frame of 4 brain regions, with p-values connected to them.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
someData = tibble(
  region = c("transverse temporal", "insula",
           "precentral","superior parietal"), 
  p = sample(seq(0,.5,.001), 4)

#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   region                  p
#>   <chr>               <dbl>
#> 1 transverse temporal 0.433
#> 2 insula              0.219
#> 3 precentral          0.29 
#> 4 superior parietal   0.403

To join a data.frame to an atlas object, you should use the specialised brain_join function. This makes sure that atlas information is preserved while joining.

someData %>% 
#> merging atlas and data by 'region'
#> Simple feature collection with 90 features and 8 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 0 ymin: 0 xmax: 1390.585 ymax: 205.4407
#> CRS:           NA
#> First 10 features:
#>    atlas     type hemi    side                region                   label
#> 1     dk cortical left lateral                  <NA>                    <NA>
#> 2     dk cortical left lateral              bankssts             lh_bankssts
#> 3     dk cortical left lateral caudal middle frontal  lh_caudalmiddlefrontal
#> 4     dk cortical left lateral              fusiform             lh_fusiform
#> 5     dk cortical left lateral     inferior parietal     lh_inferiorparietal
#> 6     dk cortical left lateral     inferior temporal     lh_inferiortemporal
#> 7     dk cortical left lateral     lateral occipital     lh_lateraloccipital
#> 8     dk cortical left lateral lateral orbitofrontal lh_lateralorbitofrontal
#> 9     dk cortical left lateral       middle temporal       lh_middletemporal
#> 10    dk cortical left lateral      pars opercularis      lh_parsopercularis
#>     roi  p                       geometry
#> 1  0001 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((84.32563 34...
#> 2  0002 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((214.8215 10...
#> 3  0004 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((106.16 184....
#> 4  0008 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((256.5481 48...
#> 5  0009 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((218.4373 16...
#> 6  0010 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((250.7745 70...
#> 7  0012 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((277.4615 11...
#> 8  0013 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((66.26648 69...
#> 9  0016 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((238.0128 91...
#> 10 0019 NA MULTIPOLYGON (((79.03391 12...

The output is a standard sf-object, and can therefore also be plotted as one.

someData %>% 
  brain_join(dk) %>% 
#> merging atlas and data by 'region'

To use ggplot for plotting the new sf-object, use standard ggplot-syntax with the geom_sf geom.

someData %>% 
  brain_join(dk) %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill = p))
#> merging atlas and data by 'region'

If you want to reposition the slices, so that they are more to you liking, use the reposition_brain function (not to be confused with the ggproto-function position_brain!)

someData %>% 
  brain_join(dk) %>% 
  reposition_brain(hemi ~ side) %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill = p))
#> merging atlas and data by 'region'

Once your data is plotted as a geom_sf, you can add geoms like geom_sf_label to add labels to the regions.

someData %>% 
  brain_join(dk) %>% 
  reposition_brain(hemi ~ side) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fill = p)) + 
  geom_sf(show.legend = FALSE) + 
  geom_sf_label(aes(label = ifelse(!is.na(p), region, NA)),
                alpha = .8,
                show.legend = FALSE)
#> merging atlas and data by 'region'
#> Warning: Removed 78 rows containing missing values (`geom_label()`).

If you want a version where the labels do not overlap each other, you can try the geom_sf_label_repel function from the ggrepel package.

Faceting groups

If your data includes groups, and you want to facet the output, you need to group the data before calling brain_join.

someData <- tibble(
  region = rep(c("transverse temporal", "insula",
           "precentral","superior parietal"), 2), 
  p = sample(seq(0,.5,.001), 8),
  groups = c(rep("g1", 4), rep("g2", 4))
#> # A tibble: 8 × 3
#>   region                  p groups
#>   <chr>               <dbl> <chr> 
#> 1 transverse temporal 0.207 g1    
#> 2 insula              0.128 g1    
#> 3 precentral          0.483 g1    
#> 4 superior parietal   0.016 g1    
#> 5 transverse temporal 0.074 g2    
#> 6 insula              0.27  g2    
#> 7 precentral          0.119 g2    
#> 8 superior parietal   0.427 g2
someData %>%
  group_by(groups) %>% 
  brain_join(dk) %>% 
  reposition_brain(hemi ~ side) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fill = p)) + 
  geom_sf(show.legend = FALSE) + 
  facet_wrap( ~ groups) +
  ggtitle("correct facetting")
#> merging atlas and data by 'region'