brain_pal return HEX colours for the different ggseg atlases.

brain_pal(name, n = "all", direction = 1, unname = FALSE, package = "ggseg")



String name of atlas


Number of colours to return (or "all" [default])


Direction of HEX, -1 reverses order Necessary if applying palette to other data than the brain atlas it comes from.


return unnamed vector (default = FALSE)


package to get brain_pals data from (ggseg or ggsegExtra)


vector of colours


#>                   bankssts  caudal anterior cingulate 
#>                  "#196428"                  "#7D64A0" 
#>      caudal middle frontal            corpus callosum 
#>                  "#641900"                  "#784632" 
#>                     cuneus                 entorhinal 
#>                  "#DC1464"                  "#DC140A" 
#>                   fusiform          inferior parietal 
#>                  "#B4DC8C"                  "#DC3CDC" 
#>          inferior temporal          isthmus cingulate 
#>                  "#B42878"                  "#8C148C" 
#>          lateral occipital      lateral orbitofrontal 
#>                  "#141E8C"                  "#234B32" 
#>                    lingual       medial orbitofrontal 
#>                  "#E18C8C"                  "#C8234B" 
#>            middle temporal            parahippocampal 
#>                  "#A06432"                  "#14DC3C" 
#>                paracentral           pars opercularis 
#>                  "#3CDC3C"                  "#DCB48C" 
#>             pars orbitalis          pars triangularis 
#>                  "#146432"                  "#DC3C14" 
#>              pericalcarine                postcentral 
#>                  "#78643C"                  "#DC1414" 
#>        posterior cingulate                 precentral 
#>                  "#DCB4DC"                  "#3C14DC" 
#>                  precuneus rostral anterior cingulate 
#>                  "#A08CB4"                  "#50148C" 
#>     rostral middle frontal           superior frontal 
#>                  "#4B327D"                  "#14DCA0" 
#>          superior parietal          superior temporal 
#>                  "#14B48C"                  "#8CDCDC" 
#>              supramarginal               frontal pole 
#>                  "#50A014"                  "#640064" 
#>              temporal pole        transverse temporal 
#>                  "#464646"                  "#9696C8" 
#>                     insula 
#>                  "#FFC020" 
#>   lateraleral ventricle   inferior lateral vent cerebellum white matter 
#>               "#781286"               "#C43AFA"               "#DCF8A4" 
#>       cerebellum cortex         thalamus proper                 caudate 
#>               "#E69422"               "#00760E"               "#7ABADC" 
#>                 putamen                pallidum           3rd ventricle 
#>               "#EC0DB0"               "#0C30FF"               "#CCB68E" 
#>           4th ventricle              brain stem             hippocampus 
#>               "#2ACCA4"               "#779FB0"               "#DCD814" 
#>                amygdala                     csf          accumbens area 
#>               "#67FFFF"               "#3C3C3C"               "#FFA500" 
#>              ventral DC                  vessel          choroid plexus 
#>               "#A52A2A"               "#A020F0"               "#00C8C8" 
#>   lateraleral ventricle   inferior lateral vent cerebellum white matter 
#>               "#781286"               "#C43AFA"               "#DCF8A4" 
#>       cerebellum cortex         thalamus proper                 caudate 
#>               "#E69422"               "#00760E"               "#7ABADC" 
#>                 putamen                pallidum             hippocampus 
#>               "#EC0DB0"               "#0D30FF"               "#DCD814" 
#>                amygdala          accumbens area              ventral DC 
#>               "#67FFFF"               "#FFA500"               "#A52A2A" 
#>                  vessel          choroid plexus           5th ventricle 
#>               "#A020F0"               "#00C8DD"               "#78BE96" 
#>      wm hypointensities      wm hypointensities      wm hypointensities 
#>               "#C846FF"               "#FF940A"               "#FF940A" 
#>  non-wm hypointensities  non-wm hypointensities  non-wm hypointensities 
#>               "#A46CE2"               "#A46CE2"               "#A46CE2" 
#>            optic chiasm            CC posterior        CC mid posterior 
#>               "#EAA91E"               "#000040"               "#000070" 
#>              CC central         CC mid anterior             CC anterior 
#>               "#0000A0"               "#0000D0"               "#0000FF"